Is It Low T?

By Jake Alexandre

Check the indicators of low testosterone is a steroid hormone from the androgen group mainly excreted in the testes of males, and likewise small amounts are likewise generated by the adrenal glandulars. Testosterone is the principal male bodily hormone and an anabolic steroid, which is crucial to the development of male reproductive tissues such as the testis and prostate. The hormone testoserone plays an import role in the development of the physical alltributes in a man. It is evident in the muscle mass of the male body, the deepening on the voice, and bodily hair growth to name a few attributes.

Optimal levels of testosterone are essential to every man's health and well being. Good levels of testosterone have shown results of good health in men, and decreased risk of heart disease. They are known to lower the risks of high blood pressure and heart attack and prevent osteoporosis.

When men face symptoms like: Sexual Loss of libido, Erectile dysfunction Physical Loss of muscle mass and facial hair, Weight gain, Gynecomastia (male breasts), Energy loss and weakness Emotional and mental Depression and irritability, Fatigue and mood swings, Hot flashes and night sweats, Memory loss, Lack of interest in leisure activities Health Osteoporosis, Increased risk of risk heart disease, Joint and muscular pains and aches

Gentlemen consistently speculate is it low T? If you are experiencing such symptoms you are likely to be a victim of this trouble. There are numerous reasons for reduced testosterone.

Low testosterone is a man's worst enemy, as men with low testosterone have to face many undesirable symptoms that can degrade their mental and physical health. For a man to acknowledge and deal with low 't' is the biggest issue, since it can and does cause emotional and sexual issues. Therefore, if you have had the need to ask yourself is it low t? Then it is important and wise to get yourself tested. Your testosterone levels can be tested with different kinds of tests such saliva or blood tests. These tests will help you figure where you stand, and what your care giver suggests. Once you know that, you can start to take care of your testosterone levels. Many people have low testosterone during andropause.

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