Carbs For Fat Loss

By Jon Taggart

Studies have shown us that the number 1 hurdle to get ourselves into shape, is not understanding carbohydrates fully. Im sure that most of us reading this blog love spaghetti, rice and potatoes. But, they do not love us. Don't be worried, we have learned how to jump this hurdle with ease. Below we are going to reveal this information to you!

So here's 3 amazing yet simple tips about carbohydrates for weight loss that we have learned over many years of trial and error. Short, sweet and easily attainable, if you follow these tips your goals will be reachable. Don't forget, diet is 90% of your fight!

1. Limit Your Carbohydrates 6 Days a Week

For the majority of the week, let's use Monday through Saturday, you will need to cut out the majority of carbohydrates from your diet. Focus on cutting out the "white carbohydrates." This typically means to avoid rice, pasta, potatoes and wheat. Carbs from vegetables are fine. The true enemy when it comes to weight loss are the white carbs.

2. Eat Slow Carbs Instead

When you are cutting out white carbs from your diet you are going to want to replace them with slow carbs. Slow carbs raise your blood sure at a much slower rate and provide a good amount of energy without adding on fat. Some good examples of slow carbs are black beans, lentils, kidney beans and veggies. If you are wondering if it is a slow or white carb, stick to the list.

3. Day 7 Eat What You want

Day 7 is an important day to give your body but also your mind a break. Sunday is the day to eat whatever you are in the mood for, within reason. This is actually the most important step to the fat loss diet because it accomplishes two things. First it give your mind something to look forward to, a reward for being good. Second and most important it confuses your body and actually burns off more fat in the long run. I know by experience that this process works!

Follow these three simple tips and you can expect to lose 15-20 pounds of fat in about 4 weeks. You will not have to change your exercise or take diet supplements to hit this type of fat loss. If you decide to increase your exercise routine you will hit your fat loss goals even sooner!

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