About Benefits Of Dental Implants Norfolk VA

By Marci Nielsen

Losing our permanent teeth is an almost universal part of aging. Few have the good fortune (or good dental hygiene habits) to keep them for life. Our teeth are one of the first things others see, and straight, white teeth are a mark of beauty. Dental implants Norfolk Va can restore what time and circumstance may have taken away.

Life in general - and modern life in particular - is hard on teeth. Refined and sugary foods cause decay. People in a hurry fail to brush, floss, and visit the dentist as often as good oral hygiene demands. Early childhood nutrition and daily diet as adults affects how well our teeth will stand up to the years of use and abuse. Illness can cause discoloration and loss, and injury can knock them right out of your head.

Going around with a gap in your smile is no fun. This used to be standard for people in frontier days. Later, when dentures became more popular, a gap-toothed grin was perceived as a mark of poverty. The stereotypes included toothless grandmas rocking by the hearth, informers lurking in alleys, and Appalachian mothers with flocks of children.

Even today dentures have drawbacks, although people do adapt to false teeth. Full or partial sets make it easier to chew, and they restore the appearance of health. However, they are not like the real thing. They get in the way of true eating enjoyment, they can slip around even with adhesives, and they often rub the gums and cause discomfort.

Bridges are another form of replacement teeth, usually the front two or missing molars. These partial dentures fasten on to surrounding teeth, which can be weakened over time. These replacements are often more comfortable than whole-mouth dentures, but are not usually a permanent fix.

Implants, however, are a permanent way to replace teeth lost to decay, illness, or injury. An implant consists of a titanium post that is put into the bone socket of a missing tooth. The jawbone grows around the post, anchoring it permanently in place. There is no need for support from neighboring teeth. Eventually a crown is put in place which looks, feels, and functions like a real tooth.

This process eliminates the problems of conventional false teeth. Implants look and feel like real teeth, and function just as well. You take care of them in the same way, by brushing and flossing. You can smile, eat, and converse in a natural manner. This restoration procedure will boost your self-confidence and make all of life more pleasant.

Finding dental implant specialists in Norfolk VA is easy. Schedule a free consultation to see if you have the bone structure to make this procedure successful. It is an affordable and relatively painless way to regain what you may have lost to time, injury, illness, or poor oral hygiene. Getting your smile back will be a new lease on life.

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