Lesser-Known Saboteurs Of Weight Loss Marlborough MA Residents Need To Know About

By Patricia Hayes

Everyone knows that having a sedentary lifestyle and eating more than necessary can keep excess pounds from going away. Sadly, there are actually so many other saboteurs of weight loss Marlborough MA residents are not aware of. Knowing some of them is so important for the attainment of one's dream figure without going through much trouble and despair.

Skipping meals can in fact cause the metabolism to run at a much slower pace. All fad diets say that everyone should considerably limit the amount of calories they consume every single day. However, fitness authorities confirm that this is something that can actually make slimming down even more difficult. It's for the fact that reducing food or caloric intake significantly can lead to a sluggish metabolism.

Opting for sugar-free treats can do more harm than good. Scientists confirm that artificial sweeteners can in fact encourage gaining of excess pounds as it can leave an individual addicted to foods and beverages that actually contain lots of refined sugar. What's more, the consumption of sugar-free products tends to leave a person thinking that it's perfectly fine to overeat as well as steer clear of exercising, both of which are very important for slimming down.

Having food products that are low in or free of fat can do more harm rather than good. That's because a little fat is so important for satiety, thus saving you from overeating every mealtime. By the way, studies say that a lot of those low-fat or fat-free products tend to be loaded with calories.

Leading a very stressful everyday life can prevent you from being seen with a nicer figure. If your body is perpetually flooded with stress hormones, it's not unlikely for your appetite to become increased. Such can also encourage your waistline to expand considerably. It can be blamed on your body's attempt to safeguard your vital organs located in the abdominal region and also ensure that you have plenty of fuel reserves during times of stress.

Getting too little or no sleep can prevent those unnecessary pounds from disappearing. Lack of sleep is actually a form of stress. What's more, failure to enjoy 7 to 9 hours of restorative sleep can leave you feeling moody. It's no secret that depression can leave anyone wanting to eat more than necessary. Also, the foods and beverages that tend to be more comforting are highly fattening ones.

Certain medical conditions can in fact prevent weight loss. One example of such is what's referred to as hypothyroidism which is characterized by an under active thyroid gland. According to health authorities, hypothyroidism can cause an assortment of bodily processes to slow down considerably, and it includes the metabolic rate.

In some instances, it is a good idea to consult a doctor if slimming down proves to be really difficult. That's because it may be due to a condition or an illness that needs to be identified and treated accordingly. Someone who is given a clean bill of health may consider hiring experts such as a personal trainer and dietitian in order to obtain results safely and effectively.

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