Why Getting A Gastric Bypass Surgery Can Save Your Life

By Karen Stewart

The epidemic that is morbid obesity is bound to have many ways of curing. While some may say that this is a condition that can be prevented with discipline, many factors come into play that cause obesity. Genetic make up can contribute to this and that cannot be controlled. Sometimes immediate solutions are necessary, such as surgical intervention.

There are many forms of GBP surgery. New York considers morbid obesity as an epidemic given that 25 to 29 percent of adults are obese in the state. Considering the population New York has, this makes up for a lot of people. This makes gastric bypass surgery, GBP, a popular option.

This procedure is basically dividing up the stomach into two pouches. The intestine is then placed somewhere to connect the larger and smaller pouches. While many ways to do a GBP exists, essentially the stomach functionality then changes holding lesser volumes of food which results to a drastic change in response to digestion.

The more obvious change is how the procedure takes away a huge amount of body fat. Other benefits include relief from obesity related diseases that the patient may have like type 2 diabetes, hypertension and sleep apnea. The likelihood of eradicating these other related illnesses can go up to 70 percent.

There is a study that claims that 89 out of a hundred patients who go through gastric bypass are live over 5 years after the procedure compared to those that did not undergo the surgery. Since most surgeons would prefer minimally invasive laparoscopic methods, recovery becomes faster since the wound is small. There is a general improvement in the quality of life due to a more active lifestyle and increased physical participation.

Bariatric procedure is on par with gall bladder removal mortality rates which is about 3 in a thousand. This is even less than the mortality for hip bone replacement. There are definitely more benefits to undergoing the operation than the risks involved. Although adjustment to the sudden changes should be dealt with accordingly.

Complications for these procedures can go to 14 percent at most and for open surgery methods. These numbers are pretty optimistic considering the number of things that it can cure. Eating habits also change in favor of the patient since they will lose the need to eat more than necessary.

Eating habits change post surgery and strictly follow guidelines from the surgeon. The food the patient is reduced, due to the smaller size stomach pouch they have. Calcium, iron and protein supplements are prescribed along with multivitamins and vitamin B12 supplements. Acid producing cells may also increase which lets some doctors give medication to lower the production.

There are huge changes in life after a gastric bypass. Food will never be the same, there are bouts of nausea and other side effects. This is after all an extremely sudden change at such a short span of time. But it definitely solves the tendency to overeat.

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