Preventing Disease Through Diabetes Counseling Beneficial For Patients

By Gregory Powell

There is a growing number of young adults below the age of 20 that claims they have diabetes. There are at least eighteen thousand youths diagnosed with type one and at least five thousand diagnosed with type two. But the highest rate affects the American Indians and Alaskan Natives.

There are many reasons why people die from this health ailment because they not have the proper knowledge behind the ailment. And most do not visit their doctors for diabetes counseling. Consequently the disease goes undetected for years until serious ailments suddenly show on the body.

Patients are classified under two categories. Patients who suffer from lack of insulin production and those who produce insulin, but their cells body are resistant to the insulin. Detecting it inside at an early time help prevent the development of increased risk for the patients.

Furthermore these signs might not even appear especially for sufferers of type two. Another reason sufferers should check with a health care professional and undertake test to determine whether there is a high presence of blood glucose. However test are repeated to reconfirm the levels, but when two different test results to positive outcomes there will be no second test again.

Symptoms for prediabetes always go undetected and patients who suffer from these do not often know it. But only after these high level complications such as gastroparesis, nephropathy, stroke, HHNS, and others develop in patients seek assessment from their doctors. Sometimes other complications develop in combination with main cause such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, hypoglycemia, CVD, problems with the eye and blindness, and sadly amputation as well.

Other combinations of conditions and complications are hypoglycemia, hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks, stroke, eye problems and blindness, diseases in kidney, and amputation. Besides that there are four test that patient undergoes to determine whether they are a candidate. And these are A1C, FPG, OGTT, and Casual.

The first three test is used to measure and diagnose the presence of sugar in blood. Each of these test have unique ways of determining abnormal levels and processes in body. OGTT would determine how glucose is being processed. Patients are asked to fast for several hours or a day before the actual FPG test. And the A1C is used to understand the levels of glucose present from the last three months.

Fasting plasma glucose exam is conducted after you have not eaten or drink other fluids except water for the last eight hours prior to the test. This test is usually conducted in the morning prior to breakfast. A normal FPG level often results to lesser than 100 mg per dl. Another is the oral glucose tolerance test which is a two hour test that examines the level of blood glucose before and within 2 hours once you drink a sweet special formula drink. This shows the doctor how the patients body can process glucose.

The casual test or random plasma glucose test occurs several times in a day and only when patients have severe diabetes symptoms that this test is conducted. More over type two sufferers always have prediabetes symptoms that show abnormally high levels of glucose present in the blood. Hence patients should seek professional help before it is too late.

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