Qualities Of A Personal Trainer In Marlborough MA

By Ruthie Livingston

Among the things a personal trainer should be having are academic qualifications. He or should have taken a course related to the field. It does not just stop at the degree level. He should also go on to advance his or her education further if possible. This way, the trainer will be able to participate in research and come up with effective training programs using research based techniques. A qualified personal trainer in Marlborough MA also keeps current on the happenings in the field.

He or she should network with professional in the medical field in Marlborough, MA. This way, there will be multi-disciplinary action in treating injuries sustained during work-outs and when giving advice on diet and supplements. If the situation requires emergency help, he can link up the client with the medical practitioner quickly and the chances of recovery within a short time are increased. Some conditions require an expert in medicine to deal with.

Evaluation of current fitness of the client is essential in personal training. Some of the things which should be looked into include the blood pressure, posture, body composition and aerobic capacity. The personal trainer should be aware of this and understand well how to go about the situation. He should also know the symptoms, signs and risk factors which need medical referral.

As much as the trainer is required to stay up-to-date with the happenings in this field, he or she should not be fast to try out new things which come up. This could either be nutritional supplements, techniques or fitness products. They have to be tested and proven to be beneficial and safe to use. Otherwise, serious health conditions or injuries may result.

Hearing the struggles of a person which have a happy ending can serve as a motivator. The instructor can use this but what he or she needs to understand is that what worked for him or her may not bring a change in client situation. Self-disclosure must be carried out cautiously. In the process, he should disclose both the good and the bad side of a product or technique.

Good communication skills should be in play during the training process. Otherwise, no considerable change will be achieved. The trainer need to be a good listener and his ability to instruct should be perfect. He should keep on motivating you but never at any time should he or she use negative reinforcement. He or she should never utter words which may leave you feeling incompetent or inadequate.

Experienced personal instructor must be sought out because they are likely to be better at their job for the virtue of the years they have spent in the practice. However, this does not mean the new ones in the field do a shoddy job. In fact, some of them are very good at their work. Many are able to learn very fast and sometimes their competence may surpass that of those have been in the field for years.

Programming factors are things the trainer should be having at his or her fingertips. They include cardiovascular endurance, strength training, flexibility, sports specificity and weight control. Skills acquisitions, speed and coordination are emphasized. The program been used to train the client should fit his or aspirations and needs and also consider what he or she does during the day in Marlborough, MA.

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