What You Need To Know About Home Health Care Harrisburg PA

By April Briggs

If you want to receive health treatment in domestically instead of a hospital or other medical facility, then domiciliary medical support may be an option for you. Home health care Harrisburg PA, allows you to receive health care services in your own house. It is commonly used by seniors and can be used to treat a variety of illnesses or injuries. It is also a good option if you are in-home bound and are forced to stay in house.

Domiciliary medical support is advised for a variety of conditions, and is particularly suitable for the elderly, many of which (60%) have mobility impairment. A good proportion (40%) have dementia or Alzheimer's disease (30%). The need is clearly there. Younger patients may need ongoing wound treatment, pain and drug management, physical therapy and more. It goes without saying that serious illness may need round the clock care.

Domiciliary medical support gives you personalized attention. The medical staff will pick up your prescriptions and remind you to take your medicine. They will check your home to make sure it is safe. They will help you with moving around your house and using a wheelchair. They will do personal grooming such as bathing, dressing and toileting. They will regularly check your blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, and breathing. The staff will make sure you are eating the right food and not taking anything you aren't supposed to. They can also help with general shopping and preparing meals for you.

It is helpful to have the domiciliary medical support specialist communicate with the patient's doctor to update his or her condition and to execute new orders. He or she may need to be driven to a medical office for treatment not available in the house. Furthermore, the individual can discuss pain and discomfort which will dictate further therapy.

Domiciliary medical support is vital for many patients and seniors and is a blessing in disguise. There is no substitute for the attention and personal service. Your individual needs come first, plus you are with family in the privacy of your own home. A whopping 90% of the elderly desire to stay in a familiar environment with a health service professional. Only when necessary will they go to a medical center. It is a known fact that care in the house can be as good as a hospital or even better.

Domiciliary medical support is less expensive than a hospital. It averages $20/hour or about $70/day for most patients. In comparison, nursing homes average at $200/day. Assisted living facilities are around $3000/month. Domiciliary medical support is a convenient and economical choice for you or your loved one.

There are some disadvantages as good and convenient as domiciliary medical support can be. While it can be round the clock, a doctor is not always available to come to one's residence. If the illness is not serious, it is not a major issue as one can visit a doctor's office as needed. Furthermore, seniors do like the company they get in nursing homes and only have one caregiver to speak with as an alternative.

Insurance should be reviewed for coverage. If Medicare or Medicaid is relevant, it should be taken into consideration. Discuss the options with your family and doctor to make the best choice and to understand any personal outlay of funds. Getting a referral to a listed health care agency might make a significant difference in the long run.

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