What To Consider When Planning Laser Tag Games For Your Next Party

By Elaine Guthrie

When you find a fun activity to add to a party that you are planning, your entire event may go much more smoothly. Laser tag games can be fun for many different people but depending on who your guests are, you may need to modify your games in one of several different ways. Here are some tips that you can use to make sure your games are as fun as possible and that your guests enjoy themselves.

In traditional tag, one individual is "it". They then chase the other players and attempt to tag them. The first player who is tagged then becomes "it". There are many different variations of this basic game. In the laser version, players wear sensors on their bodies and attempt to tag each other using a hand-held device that emits a laser beam. Like standard tag, this version also has several different variations.

One version which is popular in San Diego Ca, involves some elements of hide-and-seek as well. Players may move through an area that has been set up with obstacles and other objects. Players will attempt to stalk one another and hit each other with the beam before they themselves are tagged. Depending on the rules of a match, players may be knocked out for a period of time or considered "dead" and unable to continue the match.

You may want to consider going to a facility that has a permanent set up. Often this will involve ramps, different levels, platforms and barriers that players can hide behind and climb on. Some others will have smoke machines, interesting lighting set ups and even music. They often have equipment that you can rent which is nice if you do not want to purchase anything.

When preparing to play this game, each player will put on sensors. These are usually located on the front and back of the torso. Each player will also be given a laser gun that emits a beam. This beam strikes a sensor and a hit is recorded. Some games simply record a hit, others will cause the sensor to vibrate or register a different number of points depending on which sensor is triggered.

Younger children who have not had much experience with this game may do well with fewer rules at least for the first match or two. You may want to have a simple game of tag and if the children are zapped with a gun, simply have to sit out for a short period of time. This can make it more fun for the players but it may make it hard if you are trying to determine a winner.

Keep in mind also whether you want to have all of the players on the field at once or if you want to break your guests into several groups. If you are going to have some players sitting out it can be helpful to have another activity for them to take part in while they are not playing tag. Also consider whether or not you want to have the winners of smaller matches play against one another.

If this is your first time experiencing this kind of game, you are likely in for a treat. By making decisions about what form of game to play, where to play and how many players to involve, it becomes very easy to tailor the experience to any group size or age and experience of players.

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