The Primary Responsibilities Of A Racehorse Trainer

By Lena Stephenson

Horses can make good pets which stealth and agility can be useful in running, carrying things, and transporting humans from one place to another. That is why they are very dependable companies in the farm. In addition, they serve so many other different functions other than these. In history, they were dependable allies in ancient battles.

They are good pets that can also make man rich. As a pastime, they have been bred to become faster runners to compete in a race. A racehorse trainer is employed by many horse owners to train their horses become faster. Many have actually become millionaires just by breeding, raising, training, and racing horses.

The main task of a trainer is to make sure that the animal gets the proper diet and nutrition to achieve a conditioned body fit for special speed, agility, and endurance trainings. The equines are known to be athletic animals and with adequate training, they can actually go over their natural speed.

Most of these trainers are believed to be horse whisperers. It is incredible how they can actually make these animals follow them and be loyal to them. They are also responsible in keeping these animals healthy making sure that they get veterinary attention when needed. It helps if the trainer is an experienced veterinarian as well but this is not necessary.

In addition, they make sure that the equine is in perfect condition prior to any race activities. It helps if they are familiar with the anatomy of the equine so that they will have an idea how to immediately respond if there are unexpected falls. In emergency scenarios, they must also know how to do first aid to the horse.

They need to coordinate with the owners of the equines they are training and update them with the progress they are making. Before they compete on the race tracks, they have to be in perfect condition. Otherwise, there could be complications on the side of the horse making both the rider and the equine at risk. The horse must be trained as well to socialize with both his kind and the humans.

The importance of socializing them is that this will allow them to be comfortable in crowded places. The tracks are surrounded with hundreds or even thousands of spectators, so they should not be wary of humans and other equines. These animals can get really stressed and the trainer must be aware of that more than anything else.

There are legal means to become a certified trainer. But he or she must educate himself or herself starting from being a caretaker, a groomer, or a veterinary apprentice. Any kind of training that is all about the proper handling of equines is applicable. An owner will certainly look for a licensed trainer.

Therefore, in order to make it big in the profession, certifications are needed as well as the license to train. The state will not allow anyone who is not skilled enough to handle equines to participate in the training process. The best responsibility in this profession is to make sure that the horse is loved.

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