Some Trans Fat Foods To Avoid

By Leslie Ball

Trans fat is a dangerous kind of fat that most doctors believe is not good for a person's health. It is a fat that occurs naturally in foods like meat. However, most of the foods in the present day are either fried or baked and contain hydrogenated oil. The fat is formed through an industrialized process that entails hydrogenation. It leads to increased bad cholesterol levels while lowering good cholesterol in your body. Moreover, they are deemed to stay longer, and, therefore, many restaurants utilize it in deep fryers because it saves them money as they do not need to change it like other common oils. Listed below are some trans fat foods to avoid to have a healthy heart and lifestyle:

Fried chicken and chips are high content cholesterol foodstuff that are loved by many. The fat in them is obtained from the oil that chefs use in deep frying them. Professional dietitians advocate use pan frying as a replacement for of deep frying. Uses of liquid oils like olive oil are advised because their contents have the correct amount of cholesterol.

Pies are lovable delicacies that everyone desires. They have hydrogenated oils that almost every baked food contains. And because most individuals love consuming pies; they put themselves at the risk of getting diseases like obesity and heart failure.

Microwave Pop corns are snacks that are becoming increasingly popular in the present world. However, they are made with the unsafe hydrogenated oils and lots of salt that can constitute to heart illnesses. And with the high number of people seeking this sweet delicacy, high rates of illnesses are being recorded. The toppings that packed with the popcorn are not left behind, they also contain this dangerous substance.

Doughnuts are palatable delicacies that many people in the society love. However, they are known to contain trans fat that are obtained from the oil used in deep frying the doughnuts. You can substitute doughnuts with English muffins, whole grain toasts and bran muffins that have the needed cholesterol level.

Frozen foodstuff are also delicacies that most people go for since they can last longer. In the real sense, they are not completely dangerous but you have to choose them carefully, and choose the one with nutritious value. Always check the labels to determine if the ingredients listed are natural. Another important issue about frozen foods is in how you cook it so that it can provide the needed nutrients.

Dessert mixes like already mixed cake ingredients may seem convenient to us but may contain lots of bad cholesterols. The ingredients manufacturers use in making the mixes normally contain hydrogenated fats that add to heart problems. In order to avoid getting heart disease, you can opt for the old way of baking a cake from scratch by mixing the ingredients yourself. Also remember to use healthy cooking oils and instead of using frostings you can use powdered sugar as the toppings.

In conclusion, always make sure that check food labels to know the amount of trans fat available. Checking the ingredient list for hydrogenated cooking oil is also a prerequisite so as to avoid heart-related diseases.

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