Characteristics That Every Good Physical Therapist Has

By Claudine Hodges

It is easy to accuse someone who is living an unhealthy lifestyle as irresponsible. But airing this criticism is a personal insult especially if you are guilty of the same thing. Sometimes, bad habits like smoking and not getting enough sleep becomes a daily activity that we do not notice how they have become a habit and how they are ruining our health.

When the first signs of illness show up, our initial thought is to consult a physician. Those who work as physical therapist San Francisco for instance know very well the importance that they play in helping people address health issues. If you think you can help and are determined to join these individuals in their advocacy, then it is only right that you know what attributes are needed on field. Take a quick look below.

Knowledge and expertise. Unlike other jobs that can be learned in a year or two of constant training, physical therapy is more complicated and technical. Years of formal education is required and you have to be licensed in order to practice. After getting it, you have to continue learning by reading medical journals, updates and news about your field.

Positive thinking. Motivating the patients to succeed in their treatment is part of the job of a therapist. But one cannot do this without a positive mentality. Any kind of treatment has a certain percent of uncertainty and even if the success rate may not be that good, you should not show any negativity to your patient. Positive thoughts are proven to be vital factors in healing. Be sure you are positive and realistic.

Communication skills. There are patients who get intimidated by physicians because of their authority. As therapist, it is your task to break this awkward barrier and build a professional relationship that will benefit both of your sides. Good communication skills also mean that you are able to simplify technical terms that will make it more understandable.

Healthy body and mind. You have heard of the saying that goes, action speaks louder than words. No matter how good you are in giving recommendations about healthy living, it will fall in deaf ears if you are unhealthy. As therapists, you should also pay close attention to your own health to ensure that you are at your best every time you see your patients.

Compassion. Unless you show that you really care about the condition of you patients, they will not hear what you are telling them. Being a good listener is one way of understanding what they feel. This is very important considering the low morale and anxiety that patients may be feeling about themselves.

Resiliency in handling tough situations. One of the biggest challenges faced by medical practitioners is the tough conditions that they are in every time they deal with a new patient. It is never a guarantee that the treatment will go as expected and some people just refuse to cooperate. These situations can also affect you as the attending therapist. To protect yourself from stress and possible psychological repercussions, you need to build a strong physical and mental condition beforehand.

The job of a physical therapist is challenging. Those who excel on field are constantly practicing the attributes we have listed on this list. So if you are serious in your decision to be of service in the medical arena, be prepared to hone these aspects.

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