Information On Kung Fu Styles

By Patty Goff

The word kung Fu is mainly used by the Chinese people mainly to refer to any activity that involves the use of patience, energy and also time. In the western world however, when this word is mentioned the first thing that will come to mind is martial arts that originated from China. This art is associated with a lot of fighting techniques that are put in different categories. There are very many kung Fu styles that have been in existence for very many years.

The different techniques of fighting keep on changing from region to region and also new ones get invented over time. There usually are very many families of techniques that are said to reflect different ways of living. These entail both hard and soft techniques of martial arts. The soft techniques mainly work by diverting momentum so that the balance of the opponent is diverted. Once the opponent has lost their balance then it will be easier to defeat them in the fight.

The soft techniques mainly require a lot of skill and internal energy. However, the hard styles exert the force outwards. These are the techniques that use a lot of force to defeat the enemy. Aside from the kind of force used, these techniques can also be classified according to the form of movements used. Some of them are usually circular while the other is linear. The circular movements mainly attack the sides while the straight ones attack directly.

This art also involves internal in addition to the external techniques. The internal techniques refer to those techniques that focus on the factors that cannot be touched such as meditation, body control, perception and also mind control. These are a great part of the soft style and they are also called mystical techniques. The external techniques on the other hand teach people how to make use of their body force. They are taught how to maintain posture and utilize their body strength.

One of the facets that the leaders of martial arts look at to formulate new techniques include the environment. For example, they can observe the behavior of different animals and then form a new fighting method from it. For instance, there exists the monkey style which was inspired by the monkey behaviors.

There are very many other techniques. Some common examples include the northern shaolin, the dragon, white crane, the praying mantis and many others. Most of them have been invented from the behaviors of animals such as the monkeys and dragons. There are others however that were just invented by the expert kung Fu masters in the past.

Any person who wishes to get more acquainted with the fighting techniques of martial arts can easily achieve their goal by visiting a kung Fu master. They will be taught all the techniques that have managed to survive in the past times. They will help them to improve their spiritual selves and also be better at fighting and controlling their emotions.

In the past, the martial arts were invented mainly for self-defense and spiritual purposes. However, today they are used as a game where the trainees fight in different fighting competitions in diverse locations around the world.

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