Equestrian Clothing In The Musto Zara Phillips Collection

By Arline Bradley

Through the years, the horse has proved to be one of the most helpful domestic animal known to man. If dogs are used for hunting wild animals, horses have been used for transportation services. They are also used to control a herd. They are even used by police force in pursuit of a criminal back when police cars were not yet available.

Now, they are used in various competitions everywhere, including the Olympics. They are also used in exhibition shows and in traditional ceremonies such as parades and the like. There is a scarcity of wild horses during these modern times, and most of them are kept in ranches and stables. These animals are never without a rider or an equestrian. An equestrian trains with his or her beast to win competitions and exhibitions. Both beast and rider use special type of clothing found in the musto zara phillips equestrian line.

Zara Phillips is a well known product endorser. She is also a very excellent equestrian. On top of that, she has royal lineage. Her full name is Zara Anne Elizabeth Phillips. She has the British monarch for a grandmother. Her mother is Anne, Princess Royal. She is the fifteenth in line of succession to the throne. She married ex rugby team player Mike Tindall in 2011 and became mother to Mia Grace earlier this year.

Phillips has always loved horses since she was still very young. She followed the lead of her parents and took equestrianism professionally when she decided to join in different events including the Olympics. Her passion for the sport led her to work with a famous clothing company.

Musto Clothing is a famous outdoor clothing line in the United Kingdom and surrounding countries. This company is a family business started by Olympic medalist and champion sailor Keith Musto. The company prided on being the top manufacturer of quality garb especially made for those with an active lifestyle.

The company started with the vision of an extraordinary sportsman named Keith Musto. He is a champion sailor who devoted most of his time on the big blue. During his time sailors did not have special clothing, they traveled wearing sweaters and old pants. Once, during a trip, he had decided he had enough of getting wet all the time while on board a sailboat. He then decided to talk to manufacturers about how to improve the ensembles used by sailors.

From its humble shop in Essex, there are hundreds of Musto shops all over England and in other parts of the world. It specialized in sailing clothes for a while before venturing off to other sports. Now it houses complete collection for sailing, shooting and equestrian clothing.

The partnership with Phillips has been nothing but success for the two parties. With thorough brainstorming and planning, they have come up with beautiful designs for the equestrian collection. The goal is to provide support for the rider while still managing to look good while working with his horse.

Items such as shirts, tops, fleeces and jackets are all available as part of the collection. They are sold in all store branches at reasonable pricing. You may visit one near you or check out their products online.

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