Simple Ways To Prepare Casabe At Home

By Marla Mills

Casabe is a dish which has been prepared for many years in some parts of the world. This food simple to prepare and has good nutritional value. Today production is done in large scale for commercial purposes. Home preparation can be done by following simple steps.

Human beings are accustomed to eating three meals in a day. This dish can be included in any of the three meals. It can be taken with coffee in the morning or with soup at lunch time. One can take it with stew in the evening. Depending on one's preference, it can be a main component of a meal or not.

The main ingredient needed for this exercise is cassavas. The number of people to be served will determine the amount to be utilized. One important consideration to make in deciding quantity is the amount each of the people who will enjoy the meal are likely to eat. Gathering all the required ingredients together will make the preparation exercise easy.

Since preparation of this specialty requires few ingredients, cost is not a limiting factor. Key components are cassavas and salt. Important items used include cooking fire, a cooking pan, a clean cheese cloth, a grating utensil and a food turner. Fresh cassavas can be obtained from farms or food market. To store this source of starch for future use, it can be frozen and remain in good condition for several months. For short term storage, refrigeration under water is done. When refrigerated it should be consumed within four days.

To check the quality of cassava, one should look at the color of the inside part. It should be snowy white. Presence of brown areas indicates that it is stale. When cut, a good type is fresh smelling. Before cutting, the outside is washed with water. The ends of each root are chopped off and the remaining part is divided into small parts of about four to six inches. The pieces are picked one by one and peeled with a knife. These pieces are then split into four quarters along the length. Each piece has a hard portion which is the core of the root. This should be removed. The pieces are then cleaned and grated.

When shredding, the smallest possible pieces of the cassava should be produced. They are then mixed evenly with some salt to enhance the taste. If one is on a salt restricted diet, then no salt is added. Extra water is removed from the cassava using a clean cloth in a wring like manner.

The mixture is placed on a hot cooking pan and spread out to form a cake that is not so thick. The underside is allowed to cook until it changes color to golden. A food turner is used to carefully flip it so that the other side cooks too.

Casabe can be served while still hot or kept is a clean container to cool down and stored for later consumption. It is an easy dish to learn how to prepare and does not cost much. With frequent practice, it can be prepared in a few minutes.

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