Top 10 Reasons to Buy Wear Organic Bamboo Yoga Clothing

By David Green

Eco friendly yoga clothing is available in many different fabrics. Which is the best for you and for the environment? There are plenty of excellent arguments for selecting yoga clothing made from bamboo. Here are the top ten reasons for doing so.

1. Bamboo is a highly sustainable natural resource. Did you know that bamboo can grow up to one meter per day? Bamboo is a type of grass, which means all the stalks are connected by an underground network of roots. The stalks are harvested by hand when they get to be a few years old, but the younger ones are left to grow. This allows a continual harvest of bamboo from year to year.

2. Bamboo is completely organic. It grows well without using any chemical pesticides and fertilizers. This keeps the soil and water free from pollutants.

3. Bamboo converts massive amounts of CO2 greenhouse gas into oxygen. In fact, bamboo creates oxygen 35% more efficiently than trees.

4. Bamboo prevents soil loss through erosion and runoff. The dense root network of a bamboo grove keeps soil in place and holds moisture. This will help prevent a loss of the soil's nutrients through runoff.

5. Bamboo doesn't need irrigation. Rainwater is sufficient for its needs. The same cannot be said for organic cotton. Did you know it takes over 2700 liters of irrigated water to grow enough cotton for just a single T-shirt?

6. Bamboo yoga clothing extremely soft and smooth. The reason is because the bamboo fibers possess a naturally rounded surface. You can even observe this by looking at bamboo under a microscope. This smoothness makes bamboo clothing very soft like silk. Even people with skin allergies can wear it.

7. Bamboo fabric wicks away moisture and is highly absorbent. When you sweat, bamboo will help you feel drier by taking up the excess moisture. This is one of the best reasons to wear organic bamboo yoga clothes.

8. Bamboo fabric is highly breathable and regulates temperature. It will help you feel cooler in hot yoga class and humid weather.

9. Bamboo clothing blocks ultra-violet light, which lowers your chances of developing skin cancer.

10. Bamboo has antibacterial properties. If you've used bamboo towels, you may have noticed that they smell cleaner for longer time and can be washed less often. This helps water conservation.

Now you know all the important benefits that bamboo has, and you can see why it should be used for your yoga pants and tops. With more yogis becoming concerned about their impact on the environment, bamboo will continue to be an important organic yoga clothing material.

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