The Best Form of Yoga to Fit You

By Sienna Nalin

There is not just one type of yoga, but there are many. Perhaps the reason you did not get into yoga was because you did not find one that fits you and your lifestyle.

Avid yoga goers of course have a certain type of yoga that they attend. That is just like some peoples moods are affected by the color of their yoga mat. All of these things can have an effect on how well you will be able to have a good yoga experience. Hopefully this list of yoga styles will help you find one best for you.

Restorative Yoga - This style of yoga is for those in need of some serious power relaxing, and not ashamed to admit it. For restorative yoga lovers, there is no guilt in shutting out the world with a lavender eye pillow and kicking back on a fluffy pile of blankets for an hour.

Power Yoga - This type of yoga will definitely give your body a work out. It deals a lot with strength. Not only would you become strong with this form of yoga, but it also will help you become flexible.

Iyengar Yoga - If you are into knowing everything that happens in your life on a day to day basis, a good type of yoga for you is Iyengar because of the attention to detail.

Bikram Hot Yoga - If you do not like change and are fine with extreme hot temperatures, this is the yoga for you. This yoga has the same poses every class along with the hot heat. This yoga not only will help you sweat off the pounds, but you will have an instructor pushing you.

Kundalini Yoga - If you are an open minded individual, this is a style of yoga worth looking into. This yoga is all about opening the mind, heart and being very intuitive with your intellect.

...Learn more at Which Yoga Style is Right for You? We Match Personality with Practice

Have you found a yoga style that fits you? Hopefully after reading these many different yoga styles you have found one that fulfills you and you can find enjoyment in.

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