Conditions That Can Be Treated By A Podiatric Surgeon Austin

By Kathy Kaufman

A podiatric surgeon Austin is a specialist surgeon who carries out surgery on the ankles and feet of individuals. They do sometimes perform surgery on the lower leg, if required. General surgeons are able to carry out similar operations, however this type of practitioner goes through special training which will benefit the patient.

A doctor needs to undertake a specialized surgical internship after medical school, to become a podiatric surgeon Austin. He or she has the option to study further to learn advanced surgical techniques. A patient's lower area is the focus of a podiatrist. They specialize in condition caused by congenital malformations and trauma to a patient's ankles and feet. This type of specialist is often referred to as an ankle and foot surgeon and those parts of the human body are their specialty.

This specialist can aid those who suffer with painful bunions that do not respond to conventional treatment. Bunions are the bulges that appear on the side of your big toe. It may cause your bit toe to lean inwards in the direction of the other toes. The shoes you wear often cause pressure on this area which causes pain. An inflamed sac may become evident if the shoe has been rubbing on the area.

You can opt to undergo surgery to bring your toe into alignment with your foot. Your surgeon will normally remove the protruding bone. A small cut is made into the bone to allow the practitioner to re-align the toe. If you have a severe case of bunions, the practitioner may use screws or metal pins to hold the bone in position.

Ankle or foot fractures are often referred to this type of specialist. It is not easy to recognize a fracture of a bone in your foot. It often has similar symptoms to a sprain, however, a sprain causes swelling and more general pain over a larger area. You should contact your doctor to determine exactly why you are suffering from pain.

If you have sprained your ankle, you should visit your doctor immediately. You may have to be referred to a specialist to decide on the best form of treatment. Your specialist will normally require the ankle to be strapped to give the ligaments sufficient time for healing. During this healing period, you may need to wear an ankle boot to prevent pressure and movement of the ankle.

Many people suffer from plantar fasciitis which is caused by an inflammation of the tissue that goes from your heel to your toes. This causes inflammation in the tissue which results in pain in the heel. Most patients in this situation respond well to non-surgical treatment. There are the exceptions that may require surgery. This will be decided if you suffer from the condition for several months.

Any problems that you may encounter with your feet or ankles which requires surgery can be done by a podiatric surgeon Austin. This surgery will only be carried out if non-surgical treatment methods have been unsuccessful. Your doctor will refer you to this type of specialist if you have suffered a painful sprain or broken a bone in your ankle or foot.

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