Spirometers Are An Important Medical Apparatus

By Paula Barron

Spirometers are devices used to estimate the total volume of air intake and expulsion during a breath. The volumes and rates of the breath are recorded for short periods. It is fundamentally used by health practitioners to assist with diagnosing lung conditions through recording the lung's working capacity.

Spirometry is commonly called a lung function test in the medical field. These tests are normally done so as to determine what the percentage of lung functionality an individual has. These tests may be necessary after any type of lung operation so as to determine if there is any improvement, similarly doctors also use it to determine if a prescribed medication is having any significant effect on the patients' condition.

These instruments come in various designs and are manufactured by different companies but in essence they all perform the exact same functions. The bonus is that doctors can have the smaller portable devices in their surgery. Doing these tests at a doctors office will help lessen the cost that would be incurred if the larger sophisticated models had to be used.

Prior to testing your height and weight will be recorded. You will first have to inhale deeply, place your lips over the mouthpiece and exhale rapidly clearing out all the air in your lungs. This could take a few seconds, in some cases you may be requested to rather exhale slowly, this sequence will depend entirely on the physician that is doing the tests.

To prevent air escaping though the nasal passage, a nose clip may be necessary. This sequence of breathing will have to be done 3 times, this is so as to see if the recordings are accurate. In certain instances you may be placed inside a glass compartment, this would mainly be to eliminate any external factors from affecting the reading.

Nurses and doctors use specific equations to weigh up the readings. Sex, age and body size ratios are used to determine the parameters. All these factors are then finally cross referenced against a predetermined chart range to conclude whether or not the results are within normal parameters.

If the test shows an obstructed or restricted reading then it basically means that your lungs are not stretching to their full capacity or pushing all the air out properly. This will be clear signs that asthma or any other types of lung diseases are present. There are no risks involved in taking this lung test, but caution should be exercised if you have any eye, heart or abdominal conditions that are unstable.

Accuracy when using spirometers can be affected if you use any inhalers the day before the test. No alcohol or large meals should be ingested a few hours prior to the appointment, your doctor may also ask that you do not engage in any arduous exercises during this time period as well. Smokers may under no circumstances smoke cigarettes a full twenty four hours prior to the lung test being done.

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