A Look At What The CE4 Clearomizer Is All About

By Alyce Larson

When it comes to electronic cigarettes, the ones preferred by many are those which consist of only two components: the battery and cartomizer. There are many benefits to enjoy for using a cartomizer which combines the functions of an atomizer and a cartridge. The CE4 Clearomizer is a popular replacement to the cartomizer used by various EGO models.

You can tell right away that it's not like a typical cartomizer simply by looking at it. Whip it out of your pocket and for sure the massive size it has will grab attention. This is something suitable for people who vape heavily or those who refuse to take along e-juice containers with them. The tank is large enough to hold double the amount of e-juice other cartomizers can store.

The considerable size of this component also makes refilling a trouble-free task. Using a standard cartomizer, you have to grab a syringe each time just to ensure that the e-juice is going to be dispensed into the right place. This time around, the huge tank of this product eliminates the need for a syringe. With easy refilling, electronic cigarette use becomes even more enjoyable.

Inadequate vapor and a burnt flavor - these are two of the usual complains made by vapers everywhere. Luckily, this product designed for use with different EGO electronic cigarettes boasts of a low-resistance technology. It's capable of producing lots of vapor as it draws electricity from the battery more effectively. Also, it saves the e-juice's flavor from ending up with that burnt taste. However, a low-resistance cartomizer is known to discharge a battery quicker than usual.

Another benefit to enjoy for using the product on your electronic cigarette is reduced incidences of leakage. Except if the e-juice you prefer has zero nicotine in it, allowing it to spill on the skin is a bad idea. It's because the addicting substance may be absorbed by the skin, potentially leading to a nicotine overdose. Also, e-juice leaking from the device can leave your shirt stained.

This product also sports an amazing look. The transparent body comes in a variety of colors, ranging from green, blue, pink, yellow and violet. A clear variant is also available. Colors can make the electronic cigarette you are using stand out from all the rest. The transparency also enables you to easily check out how much e-juice is left in the tank for you to enjoy.

However, not all EGO models are compatible with the product. There are only select ones which may be used with it such as the T, C, W and 510 models. In case your EGO electronic cigarette comes with the variable voltage type of battery, an adapter may be purchased so that you may also take advantage of this oversized and visually-stunning cartomizer.

Be careful if you are planning on getting the CE4 Clearomizer on the internet. This is especially true if you like to order it from a website other than the official manufacturer. It's also recommendable to go through several reviews posted online. This allows you to learn about the various experiences of vapers who have personally tried using this kind of component.

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