Will Eating Late Night Carbs Cause You To Put On Weight?

By Russ Howe-P.t.i.

If you have been looking online for information on how to lose weight you may have stumbled across the theory that eating carbohydrates late at night is a bad move for effective fat loss. Today we will look at this theory and help you to determine fact from fiction.

Due to the fact that everybody has different opinions in the health industry, it is common to find people who are totally lost on how to achieve their personal goals. People tend to hear several contradicting pieces of information and usually find it impossible to fully commit themselves to a diet or workout routine because there is always somebody in their life telling them that they should be doing something else.

However, despite the big strides we have made in scientific research over the last two decades, the basic five principles of losing weight remain largely the same.

In a business with so many supplements and workout plans on the market, it is easy to see why people get lost so frequently. Everybody claims to have 'the big secret formula', of course.

Over the last five years it has become a popular belief that eating carbohydrates late at night will cause your body to store more fat. Is this true? Does your body actually know what time it is when you eat your meals?

No, it can not. This belief is just a general term which has now lost it's meaning completely. It's a very loose stereotype and many people falsely believe it to be true.

Let's take a look at the actual research in this area.

In a series of tests, scientists allowed two separate groups of people to consume the same amount of carbohydrates throughout a 24 hour period. The only difference being, however, that the group of people who ate their carb intake around physical activity stored considerably less fat.

So why does this myth exist?

The 'no carbs after 7 pm' fascination was first created by gossip magazines directing readers to the latest quick fix method to lose fat. Their core audience, of course, are secretaries and office workers. The majority of that audience doesn't exercise regularly, hence looking for a quick fix solution to their fitness problems. They also tend to work 9-5 jobs.

This is how they were able to put an actual time on the moment you should stop eating carbohydrates. This stereotype of somebody working in an office all day, not exercising regularly and then being completely inactive after 7 o'clock each night simply doesn't fit everybody.

No two people's lifestyles are exactly the same, so it is ridiculous to give everybody some kind of deadline for their last meal of the day. It depends entirely on your lifestyle and your daily timetable. Simply aim to consume your main carbohydrate intake around periods where you are remaining quite active.

So how do you use this to your advantage?

Be sure to fit your main carbohydrate intake around your most hectic point in the day. It's that simple. Your body will then be able to store less and use more. This also works for those who wish to get bigger but don't know how to build muscle. Carbohydrates are a fantastic nutrient if used correctly in your diet.

While you can look at the clock and tell the time, your body cannot do the same thing. One of the biggest hurdles when trying to figure out how to lose weight is simply getting past all of the myths in the fitness industry, such as the one we have overcome today.

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