Looking At The History Of Professional Wrestling

By Shanna McNeil

Wrestlers have existed even during ancient times because it was a way of self defense without any weapons. Today, wrestling has become a professional sport that has been patronized by so many organizations like the WWE, ECW, and even to some extent the UFC. People all over the world have become fascinated with this sport because of its intensity and impressive moves of the combatants. So just to get a background on the sport, here is an outline on the history of professional wrestling.

The roots of this art may actually be traced back to the ancient Greek civilization because it had its reference from the Iliad. The whole fact that the combat sport was already mentioned in the Iliad is proof that it already existed sometime in the 12th century BC in ancient Greece. It was so popular that it became one of the main events in the Olympic Games.

Even other civilizations like China, Egypt, and France as well. The Chinese version of it is called Shuai Jiao which emphasizes a lot on take downs and is the ancestor of the modern Chinese art San Shou. Egyptians also had their own version that can be seen in the drawings of the ancient pyramids. Ancient French civilization also had wall drawings of their combat art style.

Eventually, the combat art become an official sport when the International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles was founded in 1912. The reason behind this creation was to categorize each different style into only several categories. These categories are the freestyle, grappling, mixed martial arts, Greco Roman, and beach wrestling. It is by this move that wrestlers also became sportsmen.

By this time, more and more schools began to appear as popularity had been rising. One of the most popular forms was the Mexican one called Lucha Libre. Literally translated as free fighting, it was created by Mexicans and allowed any Spanish speaking country to participate. Lucha Libre style was different from other styles because wrestlers from this style emphasized a lot of high flying moves and all of them used masks.

Of course everyone already knows about the World Wrestling Federation that was created by Vince McMahon. It was the formation of organization that brought in so many fans from all over the world. Sometime in the nineties, Vince McMahon bought over competing companies ECW and WCW and changed the entire name to WWE in order to avoid a lawsuit that came from the World Wildlife Fund.

Today, the art has become even more popular with the rising popularity of the Ultimate Fighting Championship and other mixed martial arts. Jiu Jitsu, which is a Japanese form of grappling, has become extremely popular ever since it made its way in mixed martial arts. Nowadays, there are so many wrestlers in the UFC and have proven be to as effective as strikers.

Basically, that is the history of professional wrestling. By taking a look at its origin, one may observe that even though it has evolved over time, many moves that were used hundreds of years ago are still used today in the ring and extremely effective. The number of wrestlers is still growing because the fans are also growing and it will not stop anytime soon.

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