Getting Great Results From Your Abs Workouts

By Laurine Loeppke

Finding workout routines that help you build your abdominal muscles can be quite a chore. You may have to search the Internet and bookstore magazines for weeks. When choosing the type of exercises to focus on, it's important to consider your overall fitness goals.

If the only abs machine you ever use was the Captain's Chair, you could still see great results. This is something you can buy, but most people use them at the gym. You can get a lot out of this machine simply by doing leg raises on it regularly. Stand on the platform and grip the rails in a comfortable position. Press your back against the padded support and lift your knees to your chest. You don't want your legs to swing up, but to come up in a steady manner. The legs come down in a steady motion as well, do don't let them just drop. Try not to arch your back or perform the exercise too quickly or awkwardly.

If you do exercises, such as pull-ups and chin-ups, you probably associate upper body strength building with these. What many people don't realize is that they're also great for strengthening the core, which includes your back and abs. You can easily install one at your home. You can also find chin up bars at your local gym or workout centre. You can do pull-ups using either an over-handed or under-handed grip, and there are benefits either way. Many people add this to their existing workout routine to get added benefits. Abs workouts will only improve by doing these exercises. In fact, your body will build in overall strength at the same time. Remember to include some raspberry ketone supplement into your diet before your workout to burn more fats from your body. You don't need a bicycle or even an exercise bike to do the bicycle exercise for your abs. You begin in a sit-up type position, hands behind head on the floor. You then want your knees and shoulders to come off the ground several inches. Bring your left elbow towards your right knee while straightening out your left leg. After doing one side, you then reverse it, making the bent knee straight and touching the knee that's now bent with the opposite elbow. Each set should be 10 to 12 reps, done in a smooth pedalling manner; work your way up to 3 sets. It's important not to tense up the neck or back as you do this exercise to avoid injury.

To simultaneously lose fat and build muscle mass, using a combination of strength training exercises and aerobics can help. Kettlebells allow you to combine these in a single workout. The best way to go about this is to watch a video. This will show you how to use kettlebells if they are new to you. You can learn how to do the workout safely if you go to a fitness centre that has a class on using them. Kettle bell workouts are quite strenuous, so you should start off with light weights and do the exercises carefully. You don't need a bicycle or even an exercise bike to do the bicycle exercise for your abs. You begin in a sit-up type position, hands behind head on the floor. Raise both your shoulders and knees off the ground. Raise your right elbow to the left knee, and straighten out your right leg. After doing one side, you then reverse it, making the bent knee straight and touching the knee that's now bent with the opposite elbow. The idea is to make it a steady bicycling or pedalling movement doing at least 10 repetitions. One thing to avoid is straining your neck as you pedal.

If you follow these abs workout recommendations, and also do good exercises for your other muscle groups, you'll soon see results. What you eat is also crucial when it comes to your abdominal muscles, as they won't be visible if they're covered by too much fat. It's also a good idea to vary the ab exercises you do every so often to give yourself some variety. When it comes to your abs workouts, you nave to be dedicated but not fanatical, as the results will come if you put in regular effort.

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