About Kundalini Facts

By Lowes Cambell

The sure shot method for awakening of the kundalini. Before we discuss about kundalini awakening... we need to understand its meaning. The Shakti is that hidden positive energy stored in every human being by awakening which every human being can reach the level of Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed.The awakening is possible by practicing the right Yoga and meditation. In the normal circumstances this awakening is supposed to happen within a period of 11 million manifestations in the form of a human being. A serious seeker of spirituality always desires this type of awakening at the earliest. Why?

The gifts of kundalini.All it's experiences have in common that people feel more or less overwhelmed by some powerful energy rushing through their system and rewarding them with amazing spiritual visions, supernatural bliss or gifts like clairvoyance or the ability to heal others with the power of the mind. People may also get amazing insights to questions that are important to humankind, they may be able to create true works of art or help others in a profound way. At the pinnacle of these experiences people may feel that they are uniting with God or becoming enlightened.

These symptoms of may range from inexplicable physical pain, to extreme emotional disturbances, up to a complete psychotic break-down of one's functioning ego-personality. What makes matters worse, these painful experiences are usually exacerbated by a lot of mental confusion because the person who is going through them often cannot understand what is happening to them.

Traditionally, it is taught that ,it's rising (or whatever people want to call it according to their cultural background) can only be achieved through years of dedicated spiritual practice. However, since the publication of Gopi Krishna's book 'Kundalini' many people have come forward to report so-called spontaneous awakenings, which were independent of intensive spiritual practice. During these spontaneous experiences often the negative and confusing it's symptoms were much more pronounced than the rewarding aspects.

Yogic texts elaborate how the it's piercing the different consciousness centers (chakras/cakras), can equip the practitioner with siddhis (powers) such as, clairvoyance, the ability to see the past and future, and perceive the existence of subtle planes of existence (among the least dramatic). The vivid and colorful descriptions of the siddhis can be another misguided motivator to pursue awakening the kundalini, in fact these can be quite an unhelpful diversion. When the it reaches Sahasrahara, and the entire system is 'purified' the human spiritual journey is complete as nothing now remains to create the illusion of separation from the Divine and True Nature. This final condition, when all vasanas, samskaras and karmas have been dissolved, is the state known as Moksha. Moksha is then the condition of complete liberation. This differs from enlightenment which begins with the end of identification with mind and reaches it's final conclusion only with Moksha. Until Moksha is attained, the 'enlightened' can still become once more identified with mind, it's vasanas, samskaras and karmas.

If we make an examination of mystical literature and traditions in cultures outside India we find that kundalini, called by various names, seems to have been a universal phenomenon in esoteric teachings for at least the last three thousand years. these descriptions or experiences are found in esoteric teachings and symbolism of the Egyptians, Tibetans, Chinese, some Native Americans, and the Kung bushmen of Africa. it has been interpreted from the Bible as "the solar principle in man," or possibly the concept as 'pneuma', and is referenced in the Koran, the works of Plato and other Greek philosophers, possibly as well in alchemical tracts (the philosopher's stone), and in Hermetic, Kabbalistic, Rosicrucian, and Masonic writings.it is then the power of the Divine within us, and it's awakening and rising will ultimately result in the ultimate 'union' of yoga, the union of Divine consciousness in the human body.*vasana: (Sanskrit) "Subconscious inclination." From vas, "living, remaining." The subliminal inclinations and habit patterns which, as driving forces, color and motivate one's attitudes and future actions. Vasanas are the conglomerate results of subconscious impressions (*samskaras) created through experience. Samskaras, experiential impressions, combine in the subconscious to form vasanas, which thereafter contribute to mental fluctuations, called vritti. The most complex and emotionally charged vasanas are found in the dimension of mind called the subsubconscious, or vasana chitta.

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