How To Find Make Up For Sensitive Skin

By Celia Hall

Having sensitive skin is a common condition among people, with women being the most affected. Such a condition occurs when after using certain cosmetics and toiletries, one breaks out in itchiness, redness, or some other form of irritation. Having this condition must not be cause for hindrance in using cosmetics though, as a number of brands with make up for sensitive skin are now out in the market. Here are the best ways to find them.

Hypoallergenic products are free of ingredients that can cause irritation. Anyone who has a tendency to start itching after using cosmetics must make sure to use only products that are hypoallergenic. Lots of brands carry hypoallergenic cosmetic lines and one must be able to find a brand she can trust.

It's important to check whether the product has an expiration date as it is most effective when used before it expires. For products without expiry dates, they must be used for up to a year only so that germs do not build up on them. The same applies to make up brushes and sponges, which should also be cleaned weekly.

One must always examine the ingredients of a product as these are easily absorbed by the skin. Some ingredients are harmful and may cause irritation such as Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid and Boric Acid. Cosmetics containing these must always be avoided especially by those who are prone to irritation.

When a product has less ingredients, there will also be less chances that the user will get an undesired reaction. Thus when a product contains ingredients that it can do without, it's always better to just go without them. For this reason, fragrance-free products are better than its fragrant alternative especially for those with sensitivities.

The everyday application of sunscreen is important to decrease the chances of getting diseases related to sun exposure. Due to this, cosmetics now contain sunscreen. It's important to examine what kind of ingredients are used for the sunscreen aspect of the product. It's better to purchase those that use physical UV blockers such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, especially for those with the tendency to break out.

Before applying any type of product to one's face, it is important to test it first in areas other than the face. Two good spots to test the product is behind the ear or on the inside of the elbow. Although one can never be completely sure that there will be no reaction on the face if there is no reaction on the test area, there is a big chance that this is so.

One must not find herself caught up in the marketing stints of a product. Just because it says on the label that a product is hypoallergenic or fragrance-free does not mean that one will not get an undesired reaction to the product. The best way to know which product is safest would be to read the ingredient list.

The best people to talk to about make up for sensitive skin would be the experts such as the dermatologists and allergists. The dermatologist is an expert in skin care thus he would know which products are best to use. The allergists would be able to point out which substances in particular one should stay away from in order to keep the skin free from allergic reactions.

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