Basic Advice On How To Reverse Insulin Resistance

By Brandi Little

Insulin is a hormone that controls the metabolism of carbohydrate foods. The hormone may, in some cases, be deficient or in excess both of which are associated with serious clinical complications. Perhaps the most worrying is where the hormone is deficient leading to diabetes. The same may also come about when the body is unable to use the hormone in spite of normal levels. It is important that all diabetic patients are taught how to reverse insulin resistance so that they can know what to do if their condition moves in this direction.

Insulin resistance (or metabolic syndrome) is a condition in which blood glucose levels are raised, the body lipids are deranged and there is central obesity. The main risk factors believed to predispose to the syndrome include physical inactivity, psychological stress, obesity and excessive carbohydrate intake. All these factors contribute to elevated glucose levels. When the sugars are consistently high, insulin receptors are overwhelmed and they start to dysfunction and shut down.

Management involves diet modification, use of supplements, physical exercise and management of psychological stress among other strategies. As regards dietary modification, meals should be constituted in a manner that maintains a low sugar level, reduces oxidative stress and inflammation and enhances liver detoxification. Generally, the foods consumed should be low in carbohydrate load but high in fruit and vegetable amounts.

Foods known to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits include those with omega-3 fats, olive oil, beans, nuts, seeds and soy products. These foods work at gene level to promote healthy metabolism, prevent inflammation and facilitate detoxification by the liver. Their metabolism is such that the rise in glucose levels is gradual rather than sudden. As a result the response in insulin is also gradual which helps to minimize the chances of resistance.

Some supplements have also been found to help with the symptoms. Magnesium supplements, for example, helps in fat digestion and increases hormonal sensitivity. The mechanism through which sensitivity is increased remains unknown. Other important nutrients include vitamins B, C, D and E, calcium and chromium.

Stress is a major causative factor of diabetes type 2. Chronically stressed individuals have elevated levels of the hormone cortisol. This hormone causes weight gain especially around the abdominal area, increases the chances of inflammatory reactions and raises the level of glucose. Stress control, therefore, is a big step in reversing hormonal resistance. Relaxation techniques that may be employed include meditation, yoga, hypnosis, guided imagery, massage and exercise among others.

The role of exercise cannot be overemphasized. Consistent physical exercise helps redistribute the abnormally deposited fat and also helps burn excessive glucose which eventually lowers the levels in circulation. Engaging in a 30-minute walk daily after dinner keeps the sugar levels in check. For individuals that want to reverse resistance, more intense exercises are needed. Taking part in aerobic exercises lasting for about an hour five times a week is a good enough routine.

Drugs should only be instituted as a last resort. They have varied mechanisms of actions but all end up either increasing hormonal sensitivity or lowering the glucose levels. Commonly used anti-diabetic drugs include alpha glucosidase inhibitors, thiazolidinedione drugs and biguanides. Patients who want to have more information on how to reverse insulin resistance should consult with their diabetic specialists.

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