Superfoods - Which Ones Boost Your Immune System

By Bruna Parvis

Everybody knows that there are certain key things you must do when you want to stay healthy. Adequate exercise each week is at the top of the list. In order to keep from becoming dehydrated, you must drink adequate amounts of water daily. You need to make sure that you eat a balanced diet. Even if you follow the steps above, there may be a time when you need to supercharge your immune system. During the change of seasons, are you feeling a little under the weather? Aren't there certain 'superfoods' you can eat to help boost your immune system? Yes, there actually are! Read on to learn about three superfoods that can help make your immune system stronger.

One of the best foods to eat to have a stronger immune system are almonds. Most folks don't even think about them in relation to their health. Almonds are full of magnesium. Magnesium is a very important nutrient that plays a big role in strengthening your cells. Your immune system also benefits from magnesium as it helps to make it stronger. Almonds are great because they taste really good and are really easy to find. Have you seen all the different varieties at your supermarket? What's more, you can bake them into lots of great snacks and treats. Chop some up and add them to your oatmeal or any cereal. They're great in granola or muesli. Do you simply like the taste of plain, raw almonds? That makes it easy to add them to your diet.

When you include kale in your diet, use it in its raw state. You won't find a form of Vitamin C that is better for your health than that found in raw kale. It's also low in sugar and high in fiber - both advantageous to your health. If you must cook your kale, be advised that this kills off some of the valuable Vitamin C your body needs.

One great product for boosting your immune system, as well as adding needed fluids, vitamins, and minerals to your body, is vegetable juice. You've seen the commercials for V-8 Juice in which they talk about how good it is for your body. Believe what they told you, because it's true. Of course, buying and drinking V-8 Juice isn't the only thing you can do. You can blend up your own vegetable juice at home. This gives folks the choice of which vegetables and spices to use, plus they can vary their juices instead of always drinking the same flavor. Besides perking up your immune system, drinking vegetable juices helps keep you healthy by adding necessary fluids, minerals, and vitamins to your diet.

Your mucous membranes, if they are healthy, fight the onset of any infections. It's easy to add sunflowers to your day. Just substitute them for the chips and other salty junk foods you normally eat. Try sprinkling sunflower seeds (without the shells) in your salad. This will help your immune system and increase the amount of protein your salad contains. It's easy to see why sunflower seeds are important for your immune system and thought of as one of nature's superfoods.

It's important for these membranes to stay healthy, because they fight infections when they first begin. The great thing about sunflower seeds is that they are a wonderful substitute for the salty snacks you might be used to eating. You can perk up the protein in your salads by sprinkling a handful of the meat from the sunflower seeds on top. It makes sense why sunflower seeds are one of nature's superfoods for strengthening your immune system. Almost everyone strives to have optimum health. The rote rule, of course, is to eat healthy and balanced meals, drink adequate pure water, and make time to exercise several times each week. These are good guidelines to live by; however, eating a balanced, healthy diet is good advice, but a lot of times no one tells you what to eat! The term superfoods is relatively new and it describes foods that have properties that help keep your health optimized, and your immune system operating at peak performance. Our report has shown you how easy it is to start eating the three superfoods we've been talking about - turkey, salmon, and tea. In order to have more choices of superfoods to include in your eating plan, do a little research online or ask someone at your health foods store.

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