Through Yoga Staten Island Folks Can Cultivate Awareness And Optimum Health

By Doris Rivas

Self-awareness as an attitude and practice is encouraged by modern psychotherapists, healers, and various others in the human potential development field. It is fundamental for enhancing physical and psychological health and wellness, as well as finding happiness and meaning in life. Though challenging, discover how through yoga Staten Island folks can enhance self-knowledge, aside from optimum physical, mental and spiritual health.

Cultivating self-insight is not easy. Learning about one's weaknesses and seemingly insurmountable fears make many folks reluctant to pursue it. However, individuals that persist realize the advantages outweigh the negatives. Life becomes fuller, richer, more meaningful and worthwhile when taking on the challenges it offers. The sense of freedom and creativity one discovers invokes excitement and empathy for others as well.

Disciplines like yoga, tai chi, meditation and various martial arts help to awaken consciousness through the body and senses. Most people in Western societies associate gaining insight into the self exclusively with psychotherapeutic talk focusing on the mind, emotions, and personality. Body disciplines, however, can provide profound revelations about the inner person through direct experience of physical movements, states of ease or tension, and other visceral communications.

While going through the motions and postures during practice, students become aware of various sensations, both discomforting and pleasing, emanating from within the body. Although not always easy to express in words, these serve to stimulate conscious knowledge of what's happening on the inside while performing movements and stances on the outside. Over time insight into the subtle movements and emotions of the physique accumulates, opening up new layers of awareness that otherwise would have eluded the person.

Physical and emotional healing takes place through regular practice of the various postures practitioners perform. The stretches and poses gently turn, twist and wrap the muscles around the bones. Through these movements, the internal organs receive gentle massages, stimulating and releasing energy and promoting health. In the process, folks discover more about the silent secret life of the body usually buried beneath the noise of ongoing inner and outer mental chatter.

Learning about the power of proper breathing is another benefit practitioners get from regular exercise. The extraordinary positive health advantages from various breathing techniques to create instant alertness and sharp focus is an aspect of the discipline that appeals to everyone. This also promotes a growing realization of the power of the body and mind to achieve great feats when looked after with care and attention.

When performing the postures students are encouraged to give full attention to every movement and feeling that arise. This deepens present moment awareness and grounds the person in the now. The sense of ease, joy and peace that flows from the combination of posture, consciousness and breathing is often deeply satisfying and relaxing as the mind and body feels and moves through the momentary discomforts of stretching and holding poses.

By starting yoga Staten Island residents will learn a lot of the self in a short space of time. Unlike verbal forms of self-exploration, the discipline puts one in direct and immediate contact with the power and secrets of the body and mind. Folks that consider becoming a student of the discipline might want to talk with others that have been at it for long to hear about how it can promote self-awareness and greater well-being.

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