The Importance Of Mobile Drug Testing Texas

By Doris Rivas

Addictions such as drugs, gambling, and alcohol have negative effects on the lives of people. The Council on Addictions and Compulsive Disorders identifies food, work, chemical, sex, and gambling as the most prevalent addictions. On the other hand, nicotine, cocaine, alcohol, heroin, marijuana, and caffeine comprise the most commonly abused chemicals. Hence, there is need for compulsory mobile drug testing Texas.

Research studies have shown that substance abuse is on the rise within most workplaces. This is why many organizations are trying to implement programs that will sensitize their employees on the dangers of substance abuse to their health and careers. Some of the negative effects of substance abuse include a wide range of health complications, reduced productivity, and absenteeism.

The Canadian Center on Substance Abuse defines workplace substance abuse as the misuse of chemical components by employees leading to the deterioration of productivity. This habit is quite dangerous since it leads to impairment in judgement and increases the risk of industrial accidents. For this reason, some employers carryout pre-employment assessment and random periodic testing to help prevent this habit.

Drug and alcohol abuse related problems are costly for many organizations across the world because they affect the productivity of their employees. According to recent research studies by a Boston University, heavy drinking causes more problems within the workplace, compared to low level alcohol consumption. As such, many employers have made post-accident and for-cause alcohol and drug testing, a part of their substance abuse programs.

Other forms of addiction that you should watch out for within the workplace include sex, gambling, and the Internet. Gambling is a major disease that may lead your employees into perpetrating fraud, embezzlement of funds, theft, and misuse of resources. In addition, gamblers have a habit of borrowing from everyone in order to get money for gambling. Sexual harassment on the other hand is normally caused by sex addiction.

Some employees could be addicted to the Internet, and thus could spend most of their time on social networks or simply browsing instead of serving customers. On the other hand, there are employees who spend most of their time on their cellphones texting, thus making these mobile devices another form of addiction. Such behavior is detrimental to their productivity and appropriate steps need to be taken to contain it.

Addiction is a complex disease that even experts cannot fully understand. However, several factors have been identified and are believed to be the causes of addiction. These include genetics, physical, spiritual, emotional, and psychological factors. According to recent studies, poor self-esteem and a defective gene pool are believed to be the likely causes for most cases of addiction.

Organizations must ensure that any mobile drug testing Texas and workplace substance abuse prevention programs that they initiate are targeted towards the various factors affecting their employees, without victimizing any of the affected employees. Besides this, all affected employees should be given a platform to open up and thus encourage them to seek assistance in overcoming their addictions.

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