Many Individuals Claim That Protandim Does Work

By Juliette Cruz

Almost everyone well aware that medical science has uncovered a direct correlation between free radical damage and both disease and the aging process. For this reason, over the past ten years, a significant increase in the demand for supplements containing antioxidants has occurred. Numerous men and women who have used different products in this category state that Protandim does work when used as directed and for the appropriate length of time. Many of them also claim that its results are superior to other supplements on today's market.

The formula is patented and it is believed to enhance antioxidant production in the bodies of the individuals by whom it is consumed. Those who produce the supplement state that this surge of antioxidants is caused by Protandim's ability to stabilize certain enzymes, referred to as catalase and dismutase. The latter play a significant role regarding the enhancement of antioxidant production.

Protandim is also considered an NRF2 activator by most nutritionists. Numerous individuals who work in the healthcare research field believe that products classified in this way have the ability to slow the process of aging by interfering with the effects of the aforementioned free radicals. Some fans of the supplement report that it is regarded as the only NRF2 activator for which there are scientific studies to back up claims of its effectiveness.

Activating human cell survival responses is the role NRF2 plays in one's system. According to various researchers, this is why dietary supplements that contain this ingredient are capable of combating free radical damage. NRF2 basically encourages a surge of natural antioxidant activity to occur within one's body, as referred to above. This action can potentially eradicate more than 1 million free radicals within a few minute.

Manufacturers of the supplement also state that it helps protect human organs from the effects of aging. Although studies are not complete with regard to this particular benefit, research looks promising. Most people would agree that any nutritional product that has the potential to offer long-term protection to one's organs is worth considering.

Just like all nutritional supplements, Protandim is associated with a handful of side effects. It is important to understand, however, that not every consumer who choose to use the product will experience these side effects. In addition, most of these effects slowly but surely dissipate with steady use of the product. Side effects include headaches, stomachache, diarrhea, upset stomach, and an itchy, red rash that appears most often on the hands and feet.

The different companies that manufacture the product all agree that it can sometimes take up to three months of using the product continuously before the full benefits that the formula may offer are experienced. Studies are still underway with regard to additional Protandim benefits.

Ultimately, there is a considerable amount of evidence that suggests Protandim does work. However, it is always in best interest of any consumer to speak to a doctor or other healthcare practitioner prior to adding a new nutritional supplement it to his or her diet. This is because one's physician is the best person to determine whether or not he or she is a good candidate for the supplement.

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