How To Maintain Muscle and Lose Fat

By Tony Cunningham

If your life was quite laid back and sedentary and now you've decided to do something about it by gaining muscle and losing fat then we have some words of caution. Beginners are best off just easing into everything slowly, rather than quickly. Getting a new diet and doing a full exercise program really quickly will probably end in disaster. Sure, and there are a small number of folks who can just do this kind of thing. However most people will have a difficult time trying to do all of these things in one go.

So we would recommend that you ease in your dietary changes and your new exercise regime slowly by forming new habits. Reducing your calorie intake to maintain a deficit is something you must learn to do. This can be done rather effectively, however you should keep your fat and protein intake the same. Indeed, we will be reducing your intake of carbohydrates.

But it's really not needed to get rid of them totally and you shouldn't. One additional reason for keeping carbohydrates is that to get all of your calories from fats and protein would be pretty difficult. You would be pleasantly surprised to see how fast and easily you can drop your weight when you reduce your carb intake.

Often people think they should cut out fat from their diet by avoiding food containing high amounts of fat. Going in the opposite direction and eating all the high fat food you like, we agree you cannot do this. What you should do is cut down on high fat taken in, rather than remove all intake of fat. The reason for this is to do with the principle of starvation. When you refuse your body of something it needs, it will store it and only use it slowly or not use it all. Removing all fats from your diet will cause your body to store fat a lot more than normal.

We think that it's important to consider how the process of getting your body to burn fat not muscle works. Most people do not have a sufficient appreciation for the psychological aspects of having a bike tour exercise and proper diet. When it comes to working out, just find what you really like and doing it will be incredibly easier. This approach will also work for your diet for fat burn and not muscle. So many foods should make it easier for you to do this. Also, do not only confine yourself to the diets you are used to hearing about. Around the world there are many dietary techniques that are extremely healthy and work great. When trying to just burn fat and not muscle mass there are many approaches that are flexible. That is actually a good thing because it means we have variety and choices for accomplishing this goal.

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